FTA is pleased to share this thank you video from Secretary Elaine L. Chao to the thousands of public transit employees that are still on the job in communities all across the country. Transit employees represent critical infrastructure workers responsible for transporting police, doctors, nurses, grocery store clerks and other essential workers to and from work every day. Many public transit employees are making incredible sacrifices to ensure that America keeps moving during this incredibly difficult time. We sincerely appreciate all that they do.
On April 21, Governor Ricketts announced a new initiative to dramatically increase COVID-19 testing in the coming weeks. Visit www.testnebraska.com to complete an assessment to determine your current risk. Using the data collected in the assessment, people will be prioritized and if chosen you will be confirmed a time slot for testing at a drive-through location.
None currently scheduled
FTA Listening Sessions – Visit page for schedule of Listening Sessions scheduled, held monthly. Prior Listening Sessions are recorded and available for viewing.
FTA Industry Stakeholders COVID-19 Call held on Thursday, April 16,2020
The Safety Advisory 20-01: Recommended Actions to Reduce the Risk of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Among Transit Employees and Passengers recommends transit agencies develop and implement procedures and practices consistent with all applicable guidance and information provided by the CDC and OSHA to ensure the continued safety of transit passengers and employees during this public health emergency.
FTA Webinar on Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Implementation
The week of April 6th, FTA hosted webinars to provide information about FTA’s implementation of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020. Join FTA leadership and program staff to learn more about funding amounts, eligible expenses and other funding features. Webinar recordings are posted on FTA’s CARES Act page.
Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Region 7 COVID-19 Stakeholder Call was held on Thursday, April 2, 2020.
On Friday, March 27, 2020, President Trump signed the Coronavirus Aide, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act into law. The briefing provided information and answer questions on the implementation of the CARES Act, which provides $25 billion to support the transit industry.
Operating expenses incurred beginning on January 20, 2020 for all rural and urban recipients, even those in large urban areas, are also eligible, including operating expenses to maintain transit services as well as paying for administrative leave for transit personnel due to reduced operations during an emergency.
FTA has created a FTAresponse@dot.gov email account to receive all stakeholder questions and concerns on the COVID-19 or Coronavirus. Please see to this email with all questions pertaining to the Coronavirus and any potential impacts on transit service, employees and passengers.
Multi-State Transit Providers Conference Call – Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas and Iowa
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
9:00 a.m. (CDT)
Link available for the May 13, 2020 video call. Contact the NATP office at jennifer@youraam.com for link to video.
Multi-State Transit Providers Conference Call – Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas and Iowa
Thursday, April 16, 2020
9:00 a.m. (CDT)
FTA Region 7: Helpful Tips for CARES Act Grant Development
Link available for the April 16, 2020 video call. Contact the NATP office at jennifer@youraam.com for link to video.
Multi-State Transit Providers Conference Call – Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas and Iowa
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
9:00 a.m. (CDT)
Link available for the April 1, 2020 video call. Contact the NATP office at jennifer@youraam.com for link to video.
COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Resources
For the most accurate and up to date information visit:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Novel Coronavirus
The CDC and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued joint guidance on cleaning and disinfecting public transportation systems.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released new guidelines on April 4 for transit operators and workers. The descriptions, although coming from a worker perspective, have information on which transit vehicle surfaces should be cleaned and what sort of cleaning chemical should be used. The resources include documentation on:
CDC Recommendations for Cloth Face Covers
CDC Cloth Face Covers FAQs
On April 14, FTA issued a Safety Advisory with recommended actions to reduce the risk of COVID-19 among employees and passengers. Transit agencies should follow the current Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recommendations for the spread of COVID-19, which include face coverings, social distancing, frequent hand washing, facility and vehicle cleaning, and other measures to the maximum extent practicable.
For transit-specific resources visit:
OSHA Alert & Guidance Document – Click here to read the alert and guidance document.
World Health Organization (WHO)
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services – Coronavirus Disease 2019
These orders are effective immediately and are in effect to the dates listed unless renewed, extended or terminated by subsequent orders. They supersede any federal mandate in effect.
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Directed Health Measures, Click here to access each Directed Health Measures as of May 4, 2020. Each Local Public Health Department is covered under a separate DHM.
Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA)
CTAA webpage for coronavirus resources
CTAA COVID-19 Buyer’s Guide for cleaning/disinfecting products, PPE, etc.
CTAA has developed the following set of COVID-19 safety protocols (PDF) by collecting — in a single place — all of the guidance from a variety of federal agencies. Where no (or limited) actual guidance is available, they have collected the best practical advice from public and community transportation operators in the field.
CTAA analysis of the “Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act,” or “CARES Act”
CTAA Words of Advice on CARES Act and State-Managed Transit Grant Programs
CTAA has developed a series of one-pagers intended to provide best practice recommendations. The can be viewed below:
National RTAP
Technical Brief: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Information and Resources for Transit
Coronavirus Hot Topic Guide
FTA Region 7
Comparison of FTA Emergency Relief with Appropriated 5307 and 5311 CARES Act Funds
Region VII COVID-19 Best Practices
In FTA’s effort to support a coordinated DOT approach to the Coronavirus outbreak, we have created a FTAresponse@dot.gov email account to receive all stakeholder questions and concerns on the COVID-19 or Coronavirus. Please see to this email with all questions pertaining to the Coronavirus and any potential impacts on transit service, employees and passengers.
American Public Transportation Association
National Aging and Disability Transportation Center
Altro – Guidance on cleaning Altro floor and wall products
Polymershapes – Catalog of partitions, sneeze guards, barriers, etc.